January 22, 2008

a house for a home

it's good to sometimes dream big isn't it? people who has a dream will tend to work harder to achieve their dream, and living it big in reality. my hubs is the sort of man who loves to spend his money on buying nice cars, dream about having a , while i'm more towards the kind of person who long to design my own bungalow house Plans and make it my home.

whatever our indifferences is, i'm sure when the right time comes, we'll settle for a house that is realistic. it sure will not involve us getting into a big fight on whether to settle for a Log Home Plans or a Ranch house plans for where we live, houses normally have contemporary designs, a combination of the modern touch that comes in a variety of designs.

but now, we cannot afford to build our own house yet, unless one morning i wake up to the joy of striking the jackpot, maybe then our dream home will become a reality. as for now, i think we'll be stuck where we are for sometime. but i don't mind it at all, this place is already my home, not just a roof and walls that provides us shelter.


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