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May 31, 2008

Ever seen a sour grape bride?

What a night. Hubs and I just got back home from a friend's wedding dinner. The bride is oh, such a sour grape. I hardly see her smile, let alone go around talking to guests at her own wedding. She just sat there all night long, and didn't even move an inch when the groom came over our table to greet us. So not friendly. Anyway, it's been a wonderful night catching up with all of hub's rally buddies. Amelia, a friend's daughter, brought along her Nintendo game boy, her portable DVD player with lots of DVD games. At only 9 years old, she's such...

Come Join Dockers Contest

Growing up, I didn't get the chance to buy nice decent clothings, I always get hands-me-down from both my elder sister. So you can imagine how much I envied my friend's Dockers pant. They looked just perfect on my friends, and I thought I must get a pair one day. I did but just one pair. How nice would it be if I get a chance to win lots and lots of...

My big fat family

Everyone who knows my family well will know that my family members are all NOT skinny. We're either huge/flabby/voluptous/bulky/fat/ or out of shape. I reckon I fall in the 'flabby and out of shape'. Elder sis loves to blame her 'bigger frame' on our long-gone grandpa. She always must emphasis that she has got grandpa's body when someone were to comment on her big frame. I don't know who else to blame, because right after I gave birth to my baby boy to this moment I'm typing this, there's no one second that I'm any skinnier than my twin sister...

Shape your future with myUsearch

If I ever get the chance to make my own decision, without the influence of what others has to say, I'm very sure I won't ever choose to study Business and Information Technology ever again. Though it somehow makes it easier for me to handle some easy peasy html code in my blog, I cannot imagine myself doing anything else IT related. How I wished there...

May 30, 2008

My twins sista, Butt뮃lyKÏςςёŠ™

Found this photo in my facebook, thanks to my sister Butt뮃lyKÏςςёŠ™ for uploading it. We took this photo at Andrew's wedding dinner over the weekend. She looks much skinner than me, I know that....

Is it not OK to get straight to the point?

Last evening, I got a call from someone looking for me, so I thought this must either be someone I know or she really has got some serious business with me. You know, like a call from the tele-banker telling me that my loan is almost due, because I always wait till the very last minute to just do just about anything. That's just me. But no, she's not calling on behalf of any bank, but a hotel, offering me a free 2 days 1 night stay at the 5 star hotel. When I asked if there's anything I have to do, like listening to a free talk, she said no. Well,...

May 29, 2008

Sick little boy

Teary eyes, runny nose. That's my little boy now. His eyes is so teary and wet, the tears just roll down his cheek like it's the most natural thing in the world. Yeah, talk about gravity eh. I don't blame it on the ice-creams or the cold drink he had, because he had them so very often, I don't think that can suddenly become the culprit. Well, just blame it on the bad weather, can? Ok boy, we need some flu medication for you. Great, another trip to Guardian Pharmacy. If we go there any often, people might start thinking we're homeless....

May 28, 2008

I want a new HDD

It's almost 2 weeks now, and my personal computer is not fixed yet. I sent it over to the pc guy 2 weeks ago, and I haven't heard from him ever since. It didn't help that he was and still is very busy with his Microsoft seminars, or he totally forgotten about my pc under his bed. Well, I think so. I cannot find a better explanation when hubby asked what took the pc guy so long to get it fixed? Some minor problems with the Hard Disk Drive and problem with Internet connection. If it's such a hassle to get it repaired, then maybe I should call to...

May 26, 2008

Not my favourite day of the week

Life on a Monday is usually the same for me. ::yawn:: I'm sure most if not all people feel the same way. I must say that though I'm not a working mother, I hate Monday just as other people on earth. It's like you play a video of yourself for 7 days in a week, and come every Monday, you repeat it. ::yawn again::At least my Monday wasn't that bored, I went shopping. Bought myself a pair of black heels at 50% discount, Eubos Body Shampoo for Shern which is oh so expensive, but he has been using it since he was a newborn, so just stick to it for now....

Off they went to China

Some might think that now is not a good time to go tour China because of the recent earthquake but that's what my close family just did. They landed safely in Shanghai last night, checked in to their Cheap Shanghai Hotels, all inclusive in their tour package. They'll be there for 10 days, 9 nights, with a tour guide to bring them about.You might be wondering why are they not in Beijing, seeing that the Olympics will start soon and the city has undergone marvelous transformation over the years. That's because holidaying in Beijing right now is very...

May 22, 2008

The Zero fare deal

AirAsia is having a free flight promotion to Perth. Ticket is absolutely free, travelers only need to pay for the tax and airport charges. The last time I checked, tax plus airport charges is within the range of RM500-RM600 which is dirt cheap. We went to Perth last year for my brother's graduation, all 9 of us stayed at my brother's rented house. Free Perth Accomodation, how could we resist?Anyway, we're lucky that we have relatives all over the places. So, whenever we travel, we always could stay over at relatives place. This way, we get to save...

May 21, 2008

Friends around the world

Start Copy HERE.Rule:1. Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list.3. Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.4....

Why am I the only one getting diarrhea?

My day didn't went as well as expected. I had a very bad episode of diarrhea. Yes, very bad. Do I need to elaborate more? I don't think so. We had plans to go have tea, eat roti canai, but I was so sleepy, I wanted to take a five minutes super nap but it turned out for a decent 1 hour. And when I got up of bed, the sky was dark. No, I didn't take such a long nap I thought. Oh ya, the sky turned dark, and it began to pour. I rushed to the toilet and there I stayed for a good 30 minutes. In my head, I kept thinking, what did I had just now that upset...

May 20, 2008

I refund Meiji Pucca

Meiji Pucca Choc PretzelNo joke. We went shopping for groceries today. My little boy did a little shopping for himself, he took yakults, 6 cups of yogurts, 2 trays of tou foo ( one of his favourite food), 2 boxes of Nestle Mat Kool Icy Grape and Superblaster, and also a packet of Meiji Pucca Chocolate. I didn't bother to look through what he chucked...

Every little girl's dream

It is every girls dream to grow up to be a princess, with the diamond tiaras, jewelery, nice puffy dresses and all. But that dream hardly comes true. In real life, a princess life is not so magical after all. They are subject to constant scruteneering by the public eye, and has certain standards and obligations that they must adhere too, they might not be able to go shopping like us, without their bodyguards tagging along 3 feet behind them. So consider yourself blessed if you're just a normal citizen like me, we might not have as many pearl necklaces,...

It's been a great day for us here

I spent so many hours in bed today I almost neglected my son. Poor boy. I was just so sleepy, even after so many hours of sleep, so when hubs was taking a nap, I jumped into bed with him too. How nice is it to curl up in bed with your dearest husband? Very nice! :) But I consider today a great day, cos we brought the kids for gelato ice-cream at one of the bakery in the neighbourhood, I must say it tastes damn good and dirt cheap too. What about 5.90 for 2 scoops? Good deal eh. You know you have to pay 10.90 for 2 scoops at the shopping mall. Altogether...

May 18, 2008

Men who cheats

I wonder if those husbands who has love affairs actually feel guilty about cheating to their wives? I bet at some point, their wives will eventually find out. At that point, is it too late to live with the regrets? I wonder. But I'm sure it's not entirely man's fault. Sometimes when two people see too much of each other, they tend to develop a feeling for each other, people like bosses and their secretary or personal assistant. Call it lust. Especially when they travel often together on business trips, stay in Hotels in Rome, the romantic city...

10 easy peasy steps to convert itunes music into ringtone

I've been trying to find ways to convert mp3 to iphone ringtones since forever, so you can imagine how I reacted when my cousin who just got her iphone less than a month ago has songs playing when there's incoming calls. She's too kind to tell me how to do it, and sent me the link. 10 easy peasy steps to customize your iphone ringtone with itunes! So I'm sharing this with you, tell me if it works for you. Cos it worked for us! Enjoy. ::there goes Michael Buble singing in the backgroun...

May 16, 2008

A proud member of SocialSpark

OK, this is great news. I've just signed up with SocialSpark, the new hits in the blogging arena. I've heard so much about it, and now that I've signed up, there's actually so much more going on in there than just getting to know other bloggers. I just signed up 5 minutes ago, and I already got 4 new friends in my list. How very cool is that? Here, let me introduce to you my first social friend, Ted, the CEO of this big hot community. You can browse through thousands of other bloggers and add them as your friend. Just to let you know, the more...

We've got cousins here with us

This is going to be a great weekend. Cousins from all over came to stay with one. One from Sg. Long, one from Nilai and another one from Singapore. With so many people here with us, I bet this weekend will be spend shopping. A lot. I'm just going to take it easy for the next few days, I've wanted to update my other blog, but adjusting the template has taken a few days. And did I mentioned that I accidentally deleted some code in there and the entire blog went haywire?? Oh, thank God for cousin Ziling, she's my blog saver. Will tell you more about...

May 15, 2008

Free flights everyone!

So what if Air Asia advertise FREE FLIGHTS TO ALL INTERNATIONAL ROUTES, the thing is flight ticket might be cheap, but you know the real cost of traveling is paying for the hotels? Say, you pay for a 300 dollars flight ticket to Rome, but you have any idea how much a night stay in Rome Hotels cost? You know you won't travel half way around the globe just to be in Europe for a day. So throw in the cost of having to stay in Dublin Hotels and London Hotels, that getaway sure going to cost you an arm and a leg.Just a little advise from me, advance...

Now I know, being fat is not OK!

I've been feeling like I'm 100bricks heavier now! I can now feel the pain those obese people are going through. Not the physical pain, but the emotional stress that they have to carry around. Phew! Though I'm not THAT fat I need therapy or a bypass surgery, I still feel that I can be a lot more better than this. Sigh. Life is no fun when you have excess fats you hang around your waist. It's not so much of how people uuhhs and aahs about how much weight you've gained, but because I'm a superbly self conscious person, people don't even have to tell...

May 14, 2008

All mommies having issues with daddies

I've been blog hopping a lot today, that's because I'm quite free today. Common topics I see are all Mother's Day related. Some mommies, like me, expected our husband to bring us to nice expensive dinner or buy us expensive pressie, I mean really expensive type like piaget watches. No doubt, everyone ended up in disappointment when our husband did nothing to cheer us up on Mother's Day. My husband is honest enough to tell me that if I'm ever expecting any present, then I got to wait till our son is old enough to buy me one. I think he meant that...

May 13, 2008

Malaysia Ex PM now a blogger

No one is too old to blog. Ahem, like our all time favourite ex Prime Minister who now has take up blogging, I totally understand his wise decision. Nowadays, the Internet plays a very big role in influencing people's mind, because everyone is free to speak up. But of course, bloggers must be wise to tackle their topics unless they don't really mind ended up behind bars. Totally serious! Unlike in the press, where even daily news must go through certain level of scrutineering before it ended up in the printing line. Most of the things we read in...

May 12, 2008

To Paris I want to go

We've been talking about going on a Paris trip since we first started dating, Now, 7 years later, we still haven't been there together. Hubby used to travel a lot to Europe for his business trip alone, he always chose to hire a car so that he can drive around France, given that it is easy to drive around because they have one of the world's most systematic driving system, and highways that takes you anywhere you want to go. Oh remember, France drives on the right side of the road.On most trips, hubby never booked his hotel rooms in advance because...

Best collection of blogger templates

I've been playing around a lot with blogger template lately, and if you did notice, this template is more complicated than the first one I had, and of course it looks a little more professional. You can find this on eblogtemplates, filed as Ads Theme Blogger template. If you're thinking of changing your blog template, may I suggest that you save all your trouble googling through hundreds of websites in search of your perfect template. Hands down, offers the best collection of free templates available. It even comes with a 125x125...

May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Special

Happy Mother's Day to all mommies out there! Marcus made me a Mother's Day card, I just love it. I knew he put in so much effort in making me that card, because both his written Chinese and English is not that good yet, but still he managed to get it done. Well done, boy. I'm so proud to have a nephew like you. Muacks muac...

May 10, 2008

Get spotted!

Imagine yourself a young and famous catwalk model walking down the runway in Milan. Aha, it is no longer a childhood dream, make it happen now by joining and stand a chance to win $10,000 or get spotted by a model agency for real. I'm kidding you not! Send in your best photo, the prettiest or the most charming one to enter...

The Olympics Garden

Beijing Olympics is now less than 100 days away. With the Olympics torch already back home in China, the excitement is all high flying in the sky. I cannot help it, deep down inside my heart, a tiny part of it is so overjoyed that the Chinese is finally getting some decent world recognition. I'm not from Mainland China, though my ancestors were but...

May 8, 2008

The high flying job

I asked my cousin who did she quit her job as an air stewardess, and her answer is very straightforward. She said, "I cannot fly forever, one day down the road, she'll get kick and be stationed as a ground staff. So she'd rather quit now and start a career with a promising future. I understand. Over the years, she traveled to so many places others can only dream of. You name it, and chances are high that she've been there. The most enjoyable part of being an air stewardess is of course the chance to travel around the world and stay in those exotic...

I've got the bestseller Coach Bag

I finally bought it after so much hesitation. My very own Large Carly Signature by Coach. Apparently, this is also the bestseller in the boutique here in KL. My cousin Sam got it for me from Los Angeles, it's a lot cheaper there. I never buy anything expensive here in Coach stores cos you're actually paying double for everything you get in stores here....

May 7, 2008

Check your Page Rank lately?

Surprise surprise. My blog Page Rank is back to 2, and I couldn't be happier. I did a check with various Google Page Rank checker just to make sure. Majority has a 2 on it. Yeah!In my humble opinion, I think the best PR checker is Smartpagerank. as it gives you not only your page rank but also your blog traffic, bank links, indexed pages your blog has with Google/Yahoo/ MSN or such and it also has your website value. There's also this website value button and page rank button for you to put in your blog. Blogginginmypyjamas is only valued at $54,...

May 6, 2008

Let's get productive

So I figured that I need to spend my time at home a little more productive, besides blogging and doing paid post. I have always wanted to start my own online shop, sell whatnot things that I like, and of course it has to be profitable. Yes?I do not have a silver spoon in my mouth. So it's best that I do something at my free time for some extra income. I grew up with my 5 siblings, we don't always get what we want, we worked for it, like helping mom with the house chores. I brushed my own shoe on Friday, and we help fold the laundry at most days....

Open now!

I'm so lousy. It's been months since I set up my new blog but haven't got the guts to tell everyone about it. I think my problem is, I procrastinate too much. There's nothing much going on in the new blog, and only today, I got the time to upload two of my new products up for sale.So everyone, I'm glad to announce to you my new blog, bearandberries is now officially up and running. Hopefully now that I have more traffic to my new blog, I'll make more effort to update it oft...

May 3, 2008

How to kill boredom?

What do you do when you cannot sleep at night? Everyone is fast asleep, far far away in their dreamland, there's no one to talk to you, or no one to play a game with you. When Insomnia is the only thing that is accompanying you, click here to see what you can do alone and yet have so much fun even without getting out from the comfort of your own home. That's what my aunt loves to do when her husband is away at work, she used to complain about how bored she gets being alone at home but not anymore. She even taught my mom how to play it. It surprises...

Writing reviews at 3.33am

I'm getting ready to tuck myself in and then it struck me that I have a review I need to complete tonight. No! I mean at 3.33 in the morning. I already let the task expired once, second time around, they might even ban me already. So I'm not taking any chances. Got to get my work done now. Gosh, but I'm just so sleepy. What's worse? My brain ain't working!...

May 1, 2008

Data protection Solution

This is me blogging from my new personal computer. The old one was getting a little slow in processing and such, so trading it for a new one makes me one happy mommy today. Eh, there's a few issues I need to deal with right now, there's no Java inside, which is what the pc tells me everytime I want to download something. Arrgh. What Java? And also, I reckon I need a good and reliable data protection solution, true real time CDP (continuous Data Protection), automated content synchronization, and secure remote archive is just what I needed right...

Bring home the dough

I just don't get it. Why is it that man or is it a father loves to think that taking care of kids is a mother's responsibility. No? You don't think so? Oh shit, then is it just my man? Give them 20 minutes, horsey ride/piggy back, hoos and haas and a little over 5 minutes, they'll say, "Go to mamma, daddy wants to play computer games."And to think...

Cruises, don't you just love them?

I can dream about Titanic a thousand times, but the truth is I've never ever been on a cruise. Yeap, you read me right. Not on a tiny one, or a huge one like the Royal Caribbean. I can only imagine how much fun it is to be on one, to sail through the big deep blue ocean, inside one giant cruise. There's so much to do than just taking glances at the sea view, imagine rock climbing, ice skating when you're in the middle of the Carribean sea. Coolness.If hubby has a week or two free off his busy schedule, I think it'll be nice for us to chill out...

A much needed break

1st May: Labour's Day where all labourers get a break! Yahoooo... it's a holiday. Marcus and Shern woke up early just like every other schooling days, expect that today is not a schooling day. They gathered all their toys and emptied the entire bin in the centre of the living room, and create a havoc as usual. Boys, didn't I say I want to sleep in? As I'm typing this, dearest hubby is still curled up in bed catching up with his lack of sleep. Let him.And my sister came in time for lunch to bring the kids to McD. All of them, Shern Marcus Sean Ian...

Cramps is getting up my head!

Right now, my mood and my period cramp is making me feel like a very sick cat. And my legs, it's like I could hang them high up in the ceiling, they are just so sore. I don't mind being jet away for a weekend in any Paris Hotels. Now, yes now. A little request though, a Hotel Paris with a view of Eiffel Tower, you know I need something to ease my cramps! A beautiful scenery won't hurt. Fantastic, Paris bed and breakfast and a shopping trip, I bet everything will be fine when I get up in the morning.Well, probably it's now way past bed time, and...

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