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February 13, 2010

A Prosperous Chinese New Year

Another year just zoomed by right in front of my very own eyes. Where did all the time goes? Can't believe it's another year tomorrow. Well, for the Chinese I am. Tomorrow marks the first day of the year in the Chinese calendar, the year of tiger, which also translates roaring prosperity and luck. Maybe it's also a time to buy gold bullion, given that the Chinese loves the gold, for it signifies wealth, especially now that the Gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) will soon be hitting the Thailand stock market, which means the price of gold will go...

February 12, 2010

New items at Bucketload

I've uploaded some very pretty pieces in my Bucketload blogshop. Pretty OshKosh dress, Collar tee Calvin Klein shirt for boys, one blue navy Polo Ralph Lauren dress for baby and also take note that I'll be uploading the I LOVE MOM / I LOVE DAD Pajamas very very soon. This sleepwear is now selling like hot cake fresh from the oven. Be a Bucketload follower to get the latest blog po...

February 11, 2010

Shermaine starting solid food

This is what Shermaine is capable of doing now. New stunt for a new year. She can now turn to her tummy and vice versa with such a breeze, no effort like. She's sure growing up well, in fact I noticed that her appetite has grown like almost double. Maybe it's a sign that I should start her on solid food soon. In fact, I steamed a small potato with...

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